Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reading log 1

Book 1: In the book The Odyssey by Homer is it shows the effects on separation on how one son didn't care much about his father for not knowing him. What threatens the families is a lack of the communication, and it shows the story about Telemachus and Penelope. Telemachus is very selfish and doesn't trust anyone is what is shows to me. He likes to be a baby about the whole situation about his dad being gone for so long and questioning how if his dad is alive or not. Penelope cares and knows that he is still there, but questions it. She misses and loves Odysseus so much.

Main Idea: The main idea in book 1 the Odyssey by Homer is how a family is separated because a gallant father is chosen to go on a quest by a god and has been away from home for 18 years, also the terms of emotions built up in a family. And how Calypso captures him when he sets on an island for about five years and wants him to herself. Then Athens comes out to the wife and says that her husband is still alive and tells Zeus the god of all gods and goddesses to let him go home to his family.

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